Industrial & Commercial Projects
Direct Air Capture
Notrees, TX
1,340 Turnkey Drilled Shafts 24” – 36” in diameter
47,845’ linear feet total (9+ miles)
Vantage was contracted as the turnkey deep foundation contractor for the largest Direct Air Capture Facility in the world located in West Texas, consisting of over 1,300 drilled piers and 370 helical piles. The drilled piers ranged from 24” to 48” of varying depths, totaling over 48,000 linear feet, 6,400+ yards of concrete and more than 600 tons of rebar. Due to high ready-mixed concrete demand in the Permian, Vantage also utilized & operated company owned concrete roller trucks as needed to maintain schedule and production. Vantage utilized 4 drill rigs, a 30-ton excavator equipped with a 115k pound drive head, 2 cranes, various support equipment, 30+ field personnel including full-time QA/QC & field safety for a total project duration of 8 months onsite. Above all else and in despite of a record setting Summer with temperatures reaching 114 degrees onsite, Vantage safety completed the project with zero recorded injuries or lost time.
Gypsum Facility
Sweetwater, TX
396 Turnkey Drilled Shafts 24 Inches to 66 Inches in Diameter
11,400 Total Linear Feet Drilled
Food Industry Distribution Center
Hutchins, TX
1,050 Turnkey Drilled Piers
20,750 Total Linear Feet Drilled
Odessa, TX
2,000 Turnkey Helical Piers and Caps
Substation & Transmission Lines
Cattail – Cherokee T-Line
Texas City, TX
McKenzie – West Side T-Line
Corpus Christi, TX
Mato Switching Station
Dallas, TX
McLennan County, TX
Renewable Energy
Confidential Project
Completed May 2023
DFW Headquarters
201 W Ranch CT
Weatherford, TX
West Texas Office
900 S. Stockton Ave
Monahans, TX