Since it’s conception, Vantage has specialized in large diameter Transmission & Distribution foundations ranging from 120” permanent cased piers on the Gulf Coast to full pole direct embed installations. Offering a fleet of low clearance Drill Rigs, Crawler Cranes, RT Cranes and experienced concrete crews, you can trust that regardless of location or scope, Vantage has a solution for your project.
Transmission & Distribution
Project Overview: Cattail – Cherokee T-Line
Project Overview: McKenzie – West Side T-Line
Project Overview: Mato Switching Station
The AEP Mato Switching Station consisted of 153 drilled pier equipment foundations ranging from 24” to 66” of varying depths and various pads, slab foundations, and one transformer oil containment pit. Vantage performed the layout of all foundations along with execution of the full foundations scope.
Project Overview – Brazos River Electric Coop
DFW Headquarters
201 W Ranch CT
Weatherford, TX
West Texas Office
900 S. Stockton Ave
Monahans, TX